A Birthday Message

Every morning I ask myself a question and I listen for an answer. I don’t know if the answer comes from from my Higher Self, my guardian angel, God, whoever. Sometimes I wish I could pinpoint the source, but I know the most important thing is what comes through. Today, I asked my usual question but I directed it to my mother, who passed on August 5th. This is what I heard, edited only for typos.

What do I need to hear right now?

You need to hear from your mother right now. Here she is:

Kel, you were the answer to a long-held prayer that began longer than 56 years ago today. When I married your father, I prayed for you. For the first nine years when pregnancy didn’t happen, I prayed for you. When I was finally pregnant, I prayed for you. When my brother was killed two months before you were born, I prayed for you. When you were born exactly 56 years ago at 8:09 A.M., I prayed for you. I have prayed for you and loved you every day of your life. Even now, I pray for you. I know how hard my passing is on you. I want to thank you for all the love you always showed me, especially over the last four years and as you helped me transition. It was the most incredible gift I’ve ever received and I know what it cost you. One of the things you said to me during my transition was that I won’t stop being a mother when I stop being there physically. Never forget that even when you have times of feeling alone in the world. You are never alone and you never will be alone. I am always right there by your side. I held your hand to protect you when you were a child and you held my hand to guide me when I was transitioning. We are connected and we always will be. I’m your Mom and you’re my girl. That will never change. Happy Birthday, sweet girl. I love you always, Mom.

I love you too, Mom. Thanks for everything but especially for being my mother. That was always the best birthday gift.