Lighten Up Your Enlightenment

Is it possible to be spiritual and funny at the same time? This has long been a dilemma of mine that I recently shared over the phone with my friend and fellow blogger, Adele Uddo. We were discussing blogging, life and being on a spiritual path.

Like Adele, I’ve always been a spiritual seeker. 12 years of Catholic school provided me with a good head start. At the very least, studying Catholic Church history during my junior year in high school enabled me to answer “Charlemagne” for the pie in Trivial Pursuit years later. Take that, you public school kids!

What I didn’t find spiritually while growing up Catholic, I tried to find in other ways. I’ve had Tarot cards read. (22 is a powerful number for me but I don’t recall why.) I’ve had my natal chart done and discovered that my Leo sun is buried in the 12th House (probably along with those three Gillian Welch CDs that I can’t find). I went to a psychic who told me that my dream man was a swarthy Greek. The only time that I’d want a man, let alone a swarthy Greek one, would be if I needed a waiter because I ran out of ouzo on vacation in Athens.

So, I have the curiosity but I’m afraid to really embrace my spirituality because I don’t want to become one of those annoying people. I’m not talking about the Tim Tebow types. That goes without saying. I’m talking about those perennially blissed out, airy-fairy types who are always spouting New Age fortune cookie advice at you. You know the type.

New Ager
Money is an illusion.

Tell that to the credit card company.

And spiritual people can be so serious! I can’t imagine that anyone ever sat down with Mother Teresa and told her a joke.


“So a priest, a rabbi and a duck go into a bar…”



How can I find inner peace while not losing my desire and ability to poke fun at the absurd aspects of everyday life? Will I lose my satirical streak if I meditate and commune with the universe? If any of you have any ideas, please let me know. I’ll be over in the corner with the Dalai Lama, a martini and a karaoke machine.

4 thoughts on “Lighten Up Your Enlightenment

  1. Kelly, I really enjoyed our conversation, especially when reminded of the obvious fact that’s often forgotten: spirituality is felt/expressed differently by everyone. Many of the beliefs we picked up in Catholic school are about as outdated as the Bible. One of my least favorite being: In order to be “spiritual”, we must be as crotchety as the nuns who raised us. You’re a funny gal and I’m guessing you won’t loose touch no matter how close you get to God, Goddess, Jesus, the Universe, Source…or your karaoke machine.

  2. It was great talking to you as well. We seem to be simpatico in many ways and that has been such a lovely surprise. I look forward to many more conversations (and hopefully some face-to-face) in the months and years to come. 🙂

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